
Global Health

New Special Issue “Im/Mobilities and Dis/Connectivities in Medical Globalization: How Global is Global Health?”

New Special Issue “Im/Mobilities and Dis/Connectivities in Medical Globalization: How Global is Global Health?”

The interdisciplinary, politically contested field of Global Health has often been described as a consequence of, and response to, an intensification of the mobilities of, and connectivities between, people, pathogens, ideas, and infrastructure across national borders and large distances. However,…

Transnational Scientific Projects and Racial Politics: The KEMRI Six Case Against the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Contemporary Kenya

Transnational Scientific Projects and Racial Politics: The KEMRI Six Case Against the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Contemporary Kenya

“In 1989 the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), one of Africa’s leading health research institutions, formed a landmark partnership with the Wellcome Trust, one of the largest global funders of health research, and the University of Oxford, one of the…


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