Introduction: Focusing on Junior Scholars’ Perspectives In medical anthropology, participatory action research, body mappings, various photography-based methods such as photovoice projects, and others have proven to be useful tools in researching health, illness, and wellbeing. At the same time, arts-based…
Flüchtige Leben, gesundheitliche Versorgung: Medizin und Migration – ein Kongress-Bericht
Caroline Meier zu Biesen „Die Malaria der Migranten – das Gesundheitsministerium räumt ein: wir importieren die Krankheit durch die Ausländer“ titelte Anfang September 2017 die italienische Zeitung Libero. Anlass des Berichts: Der Malaria-Tod einer Vierjährigen im norditalienischen Brescia. Mit Ausnahme…
From Harry Potter to Jesus – A transfigurative conference report
Conference report on the anniversary conference: ‘Transfigurationen: Medizin macht Gesellschaft macht Medizin’, 17-18 February 2017, organised by the working group Medical Anthropology Switzerland of the Swiss Anthropological Association (SEG), Wiener Dialoge der Medizinanthropologie (Vienna Dialogues on Medical Anthropology) and the…
Call for Papers: Social Anthropology of ‚Well-Being‘ – Prekäres Leben: Krieg, Flucht, Migration
5.-6. Mai 2017, Institut für Ethnologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Organisation: Helene Basu, Natalie Gies-Powroznik, Claudia Lang, Dominik Mattes und Annika Strauss Wir möchten Sie herzlich zum nächsten thematischen Workshop der AG Medical Anthropology nach Münster einladen. Wie in den vergangenen…
Finding Peace on a Psychiatric Ward with Yoga: Report on a Pilot Anthropological Study in Pondicherry, India
Although yoga has the explicit aim of guiding the flows of consciousness (Hartranft 2003), it was only in the last decade, and alongside the growing public interest in the discipline, that the psychiatric field paid closer attention to yoga’s relevance…
„Starting below Zero“: On the Situation of Women* in Refugee Camps in Berlin
‘We have to start at zero,’ said the woman* from Syria in the red coat, holding her hand next to the edge of the table. ‘We have to start below zero,’ she then said, moving her hand under the table.…