
New Publication “Rethinking Sociality and Health through Transfiguration”

New Publication “Rethinking Sociality and Health through Transfiguration”

This special section brings together a series of papers that all have their origin in contributions to the trinational conference Transfigurationen: medizin macht gesellschaft macht medizin [Transfigurations: medicine makes society makes medicine], which was convened by Swiss, German, and Austrian…

Singapore Nipped Things in the Bud – Germany Struggled With Delays (#WitnessingCorona)

Singapore Nipped Things in the Bud – Germany Struggled With Delays (#WitnessingCorona)

As has been widely reported, a novel coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Spreading rapidly through the city, and eventually the province of Hubei in January, countries and cities in the region started to implement travel restrictions in…

Monströs oder gespenstisch? Fragen von Schuld, Verantwortung und Solidarität in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie (#WitnessingCorona)

Monströs oder gespenstisch? Fragen von Schuld, Verantwortung und Solidarität in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie (#WitnessingCorona)

  Dieser Text stellt eine theoretische Reflexion zur Corona-Pandemie dar, die ich aus einer Situation in meiner Feldforschung zur lokalen Aushandlung des globalen Klimawandels im Rheinland entwickelt habe. Da in Deutschland seit Ende März 2020 aufgrund der globalen Corona-Pandemie alle…


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