For my PhD research, I spent a year doing ethnographic fieldwork in Greater Manchester, with political activists campaigning against cuts and privatisation in the National Health Service (NHS), the UK’s public healthcare system. In this blog I focus on what…
CfP „Radical Health: Doing Medicine, Health Care, and Anthropology of the Good“ (Berlin, 2-4 October 2020)
In contemporary times of proliferating neoliberalization, augmenting socio-economic disparity, environmental degradation, and political struggles around identities and belonging, health and well-being are becoming increasingly fragile. Entangled economic, ecological, social, cultural, and political factors affect people’s living environments and professional worlds…
“Creative Methods and Participatory Arts Research in Medical Anthropology” – Conference Report of the 9th MAYS Meeting
Introduction: Focusing on Junior Scholars’ Perspectives In medical anthropology, participatory action research, body mappings, various photography-based methods such as photovoice projects, and others have proven to be useful tools in researching health, illness, and wellbeing. At the same time, arts-based…
Different Shades of White: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Albinotic Body – Conference Report
Several phenomena have contributed to the increased attention paid to albinism in the past decade. The terrible atrocities inflicted on persons with albinism in East Africa made international headlines. In response, local and global actors – from the Tanzania Albinism…
Refuge Europe at its Limits? Limits and Contradictions of the Political and Moral Ideal – Conference report
For the first time in over sixty years Germany has seen the rise of a far-right party to the Bundestag, drastically reshaping its political landscape. Following the last federal elections, the party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has become the third…
Transnational Scientific Projects and Racial Politics: The KEMRI Six Case Against the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Contemporary Kenya
“In 1989 the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), one of Africa’s leading health research institutions, formed a landmark partnership with the Wellcome Trust, one of the largest global funders of health research, and the University of Oxford, one of the…